How to make money on sims
How to make money on sims

We are going to continuously grow carrots using 10 sims every 5 minutes. That’s really all there is to earning money or simoleons fast in The Sims Freeplay.In this post I am going to explain how to easily make 10,000 simoleons in less than 2 hours! I was using 10 sims to do this so if you are using less sims it will take you longer to reach 10,000 but if you are using more sims it will take you less time!įirstly make sure your sims are inspired (sparkling) to do this you need to fill up their bars by fulfilling all their needs, once they are inspired they will sparkle and earn more money when baking and gardening which is really important for this: If you don’t want to do that, though, there are ways to grind it out. This can be done by tapping the green icon on the top middle of your screen, and it will cost you cash. If you enter the amount as 0, the prostitute will owe that money forever. Pick the Sim you want to be the Pimp and enter the amount the prostitute needs to pay or owes.

how to make money on sims

This is a mobile game and developers/publishers love to extract as much real world money as they can from players. Have your prostitute Sim use a base game computer and find the Tam Explorer menu. Here are some tips on how to get simoleons fast in the game. However, at level 10 you can earn §500-§600 per painting.

how to make money on sims how to make money on sims

You’ll still be worrying about making ends meet with those simoleons, and the only way to get that dope flatscreen TV you want is by making sure your sim has that guappity. At lower skill levels, you wont earn enough to pay the bills without a job.

how to make money on sims

The Sims Freeplay will have you buying things up the wazoo right from your phone, tablet, or browser. How to Get Money (Simoleons) Fast in The Sims Freeplay

How to make money on sims