Also, by editing "SafariMaxPhotos" and "JeepFuelLimit", you will last longer in the safari rounds. For example, changing the "HuntingRifleTimeToLoadRound", "HuntingRifleRecoilMagnitude", and "HuntingRifleReloadWait" to a zero value will result in a hunting rifle with no reload time and no recoil, which is extremely helpful in some mini-games. There are many different factors you can change by editing the "constant.ini" file, but some are more useful than others. You can change anything in the file except of its name as desired. Use a text editor to edit one of the following files in the game directory: "trex.ini", "dilopho.ini", "carch.ini", "spino.ini", "raptor.ini", and "acro.ini". Note: This procedure involves editing a game file create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Note: Do not modify the files without the gears on the icon. The number to the right of the decimal are months, the number to the left of the decimal are years. Change the number to however long you want it to live.

If you open the "Raptor" file (for the Velociraptors), scroll down until you find a line labeled "LifeSpan= ". In this section you can change the number of sentry turrets in the park.

Scroll down until you find a section labeled "Unit Specifics". Use a text editor to edit the files in the "data/units" folder in the game directory.

Use the following steps to change the stats for every unit in the park. You can also change the maximum number of visitors, dinosaurs, and fences in the park. Change the number in the "PlayerStartMoney" line to any desired value. Use a text editor to edit the "constant.ini" file in the game directory.